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Finding vegan makeup can be tough. The makeup industry has a long history of using animal-derived ingredients to create their most beloved products. Often there is a whole host of labelling issues that make it difficult to distinguish whether any specific product is vegan or not.  Some products are very explicit in their cruelty-free production whilst others may be harder to spot, especially if you are shopping at the drugstore.

What Makes Makeup Vegan?

For a makeup product to be considered vegan, it must contain no animal ingredients and be cruelty-free, meaning it is not tested on animals. Make sure to look out for approved cruelty-free stamps, such as Leaping Bunny, and the Caring Consumer, and Choose Cruelty Free. Other stamps are not approved by cruelty-free organizations such as the ones listed, and cannot necessarily be trusted to be cruelty-free.

Some of the animal-derived ingredients to look out for are Shellac, Glycerine, Beeswax, and Squalene. Another issue that comes up is that ingredients such as squalene and glycerine can be sourced from vegan sources but will not definitely be listed as such, making it hard to shop for vegan makeup by ingredient alone.

How To Find Vegan Makeup Products

A vast majority of drugstore makeup uses animal products. The easiest option is to order your makeup online. This is where we can help. We will direct you to the best vegan makeup brands and products to make sure you can look your best at no expense to animals.


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